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Coney Weston Village Hall

Coney Weston Village Hall

A Brief History

Just after the First World War the ex-wartime ‘hut’, along with the land on which it stands, was given to the village by William Needham Champion of Coney Weston House. It was known locally as the Red Triangle Hut. The triangle, displayed at the front of the hall, was removed some years ago.

During the Second World War the land adjacent to the hall was used by 3000 American airmen, housed in 20 billets. During this time the hall was used as a cinema.

The Hall is original, except for the windows, which were made by John Clarke and Noel Darkens of Hoggs, the local building firm, and were donated free.

In 2006 a porch was added to the main entrance. This was made possible, using a legacy left by Wilf Hadleigh

Current Committee Members

Secretary: Jackie Hargreaves
Treasurer: Maureen Blake

Jim Aspinwall, Roger Blake, Carol Hockey

Hall Hiring Rates


Local residents and local events

All others

1st May to 31st August £8 per hour £10 per hour
1st September to 30th April £12 per hour £14 per hour

If you are interested in booking the hall please contact our booking secretary, Roger Blake on 01359 220023.



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