The minutes from the meeting on 27th September have now been uploaded to the Parish Council page.
The 70, 70A and 73 replaced 304, 337 and 338 because the prior routes were not carrying enough
passengers to cover their costs. Following the changes made by Simonds of Botesdale to their local bus
network from September 2024, a further timetable change is being implemented from Monday 30th
September 2024. This is intended to improve punctuality and reliability along all routes, and introduce
additional capacity at school times. We are grateful for Suffolk County Council’s support in enabling these
Read more on Routes 70, 70A and 73 - timetable change from Monday 30th September 2024
Have you been impacted by changes to your bus services? This has affected a number of Suffolk villages with proposals which reduced bus services or in some villages cancelled them completely. When Vectare, the new owner of Simonds buses took steps to cancel loss making routes some villages, such as Bardwell, were suddenly without any bus service.
Please see the agenda on the Parish Council page
Read more on Parish Council Meeting this Thursday 12th September
The proposed pop-up police surgery has been rearranged for Saturday 24th August from 10am - 12 noon at Coney Weston Village Hall.
It would be great to see a good turn-out!
Read more on Our Community Police Team are visiting the Village Hall
The art work in the carousel on the home page has been created and provided free of restriction by our local artist, Ned Pamphilon. For further details please contact him or the webmaster.
Work begins on the A1088 south of Ixworth on July 22nd
Unfortunately the Playing Field Trustees have had to take the decision to temporarily close the playground area. This is due to some of the equipment needing to be removed, as such we are in the process of obtaining quotes from specialist companies who can remove and dispose of the equipment in a safe and appropriate manner. Access to the playing field is not affected during this time.Thank you for your patience with this matterConey Weston Playing Field Trustees