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Parish Council

The Parish Council consists of five councillors who are all resident in the village and there are two vacancies. 

If you are interested in joining Coney Weston Parish Council please contact either the Clerk or the Chairman, for further information - contact details listed below.

Parish Councillors


Email address

Phone number


Peter Clarke peter.clarke@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk 01359 221906

Defibrillator, village group liaison and volunteers.  Line Manager for Clerk/RFO. Deputy for speed device.

Bren Francis bren.francis@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk unavailable

Community Development. Deputy for village group liaison and volunteers.

Mark Lock mark.lock@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk 07775 856586 Chair, Planning, speed device
Patrick Sullivan
patrick.sullivan@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk unavailable  tbc
Paul Hines paul.hines@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk
07921 290741  tbc

Register of Parish Councillors' interests (scroll down to find Coney Weston)

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer - Vicki Gay - 01379 898733 - clerk@coneywestonparishcouncil.gov.uk

County Councillor - Joanna Spicer - 01359 230800 - joanna.spicer@suffolk.gov.uk

District Councillor - Andrew Smith 01359 221948 - andrew.smith@westsuffolk.gov.uk

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