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Save Our Buses Task Force: Good News

Friday 6th December 2024


Funding for services 73 and 73A have been successful! Serving 15 villages (including Coney Weston), these services are vital for ensuring our young people can get to school and college as well as enabling people to get to work, medical appointments, shopping etc.

The service was originally due to end on 27th December but will now continue and will initially follow the existing timetable.   

A revised timetable, which closely reflects the needs of our communities, will come into effect in 2025. This new timetable has been put together by the Task Force and the bus company and will, amongst other benefits, provide a later service from Bury St Edmunds for working people.

The award by Suffolk County Council is for a one-year contract, with the prospect of another year, after which it is hoped the service will be commercially viable.

This has been achieved through the efforts of the Save Our Buses Task Force, initiated by Suffolk County Cllr Joanna Spicer along with Parish Council and Community representatives, District and County Councillors together with the Simonds bus company.

However, there is much work to be done to ensure the future viability of the services beyond the 2 year period. The Task Force will continue to work closely with the bus company and the County Council to achieve our longer-term goal of a financially viable bus service for us all.  In the meanwhile, please do use the services and Support our Buses.


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